Our Mission

Helping women take flight.     


Mission & Goals

Mission: Assist women of all ages in achieving their aviation goals by offering and awarding flight training scholarships on an annual basis, coupled with facilitating STEM outreach events directly with industry partners.

Goal: Help ‘tip the gender scale’ and be a driving force in the industry to bring diverse talent to aviation. Provide more than $40,000 in flight training awards annually for women, facilitate global outreach to bring awareness of STEM careers to young audiences.

Our "love affair with flying" all started back in 2010 when our founder, Rachelle, was offered a scholarship to obtain her PPL (Private Pilots License).  Since then, she has made it her mission to share her knowledge and passion for aviation with others, to pay things forward and to help women of all ages take control of their "Flight Paths" and to help them achieve their dream aviation career!

Watch a few of our outreach videos below

Find more exciting content on our YouTube Channel -> Youtube.com/iamrachelle
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